
Literati Take-away Series, # 7

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Atlas Shrugged

In Atlas Shrugged, the main character is not awarded for his accomplishments but punished by the “Moral Authorities” of his day.

Capitalism with all of the “ISMS” can be represented in a multitude of ways.

One such iteration may call for a greater role by the government. Another may call for stronger anti-trust laws to hold the multinationals and large tech and media companies accountable to the individual.

Remember the “Robber Barrons” of yesterday? Who are they today? Also, beware not only of the monopolist but even more so, of the oligopolists— these predatorial “Wolfpacks, give wolves a bad rap. They are the leading contributors to corporate evil as they are shepherding us all, and leading you and your family, into a new dark age. Here Ayn Rand gives a warning and as she writes a believable story, she presents the truth, woven in fiction. A truth, that is prophetic in so many ways.

“Karl Marx predicted that capitalism would commit suicide. American businesses are carrying out that prediction. In destroying themselves, they are destroying capitalism, of which they are the symbol and the product… There is no outside power that can destroy such men… Only an inner power can do it: the power of morality…

A contemptibly evil idea accepted as a moral principle—altruism… a moral theory which preaches that man must sacrifice himself for others, that he must place the interest of others above his own, that he must live for the sake of others… It is the morality of cannibals… a theory of profound hatred… for any form of human success or happiness on earth!”

                                    —Ayn Rand

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