Riviera Resources

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Riviera Resoures

Literati Matters & Speciality Works

For the scholarly, well-read, and creative types we have our reading and writing materials den. For the unconventional, we offer our “specialty products and services” that are not readily found on Main street.

Riviera Resources is part of The Pursuer’s Den, a subsidiary along with The Depo, and The District. The three pillars serve as the foundation of The Hollywood Riviera Exchange. For more information on each, click anywhere on this paragraph.

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Literati Matters

For those interested in literature. We offer more than just another online Bookstore. In addition to offering world-renowned (old and new) books in the printed, digital and audio formats, we offer podcasts, periodicals, magazines, and other original publications that you may only find here.

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Speciality Works

From massage chairs that can transport you to “Narvannaville” to digital cold storage wallets that can store and better protect your “Crypto Currency” information offline, we offer products and services that are not readily found on Mainstreet w/ your local retailer. Come in and have a look around; after all, it cannot hurt to take a gander, or can it?

Riviera Treasures

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Riviera Treasures

Hobbies & Collectibles

Turn the key, and unlock your passions. What makes life worth living?

A lover, a sport, your faith, friends, and family. For some, it could be a tangible item like money, a car, a home. Just to mention a few. Generally speaking, the aforementioned require others. The spectrum of the hobbyist or collector in many instances make allowances for you and only you if you so desire. I’m not really going anywhere with this; you could say my mind is wandering.  If I continue where would I go. To the fond memories of my matchbox toy car collection as a child? Building plastic models? What about my coin collections… All of these memories and many more of the same ilk, have served to enrich my life more than I could have ever dreamed.

Riviera Treasures is part of The Pursuer’s Den, a subsidiary along with The Depo, and The District. The three pillars serve as the foundation of The Hollywood Riviera Exchange. For more information on each, click anywhere on this paragraph.

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Hobbies range from indoor to outdoor activities to the exploration of areas of interest usually as a pastime, and undertaken for one’s own pleasure. From acting to astronomy; blogging to bowling and so much more. Hobbies cross over into the realm of collecting to just about any category one can think of, like having to do with fun and games, hiking, camping and cooking… Since we have to start somewhere, let’s start with the hobbies of old and work our way out from there.
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As with Hobbies, there are collections for just about any category that one can think of, from stamps to coins; hand-painted plates found hanging on the wall of people’s homes to automobiles and artwork. Also, many collections morph into valuable investments as well.

For example, there are coin collections valued in the millions; our bias lies in the world of watches as well as in old books. When it comes to passion, and wherever your heart takes you, make no mistake about it, your soul is to forever remain in pursuit.

Riviera Well Being

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Riviera Well-Being

Health & Wealth

What’s interesting, is when it comes to talking about health, wealth, and one’s well-being, we could in fact, and probably should be, speaking about three things that are really one and the same. Whatever separation that exists between these areas occurs by way of vernacular and is a matter of degrees. What about the physical content and context? Well, again it’s you who sets the scale and determines what meets your definition of what are your “Standards of Excellence. Our job is to accommodate your desires, wants, goals, and endeavors whatever they may be so you can best adhere to them. We wish you the very best of health, wealth, and well-being, just as we wish all of you (and yes we mean this) a life full of peace love, and joy!

Riviera Well-Being is part of The Pursuer’s Den, a subsidiary along with The Depo, and The District. The three pillars serve as the foundation of The Hollywood Riviera Exchange. For more information on each, click anywhere on this paragraph.

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There are many areas that require our attention when dealing with our health. Whether we’re looking at or are engaged within the physical, mental, or ethereal aspects of healthy living, there are no absolutes. Meaning, there’s a level of interplay between all there areas.

Also, we look to the experts who recognize and believe this to be true. We will continue to follow what they have to say, and like you, we can learn and act together.

When it comes to developing a healthy lifestyle, our current position based on what we’ve been taught over the years, has changed dramatically. 

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From one “Sand Dollar” that your daughter hands to you while walking on the beach to the millions of dollars that you’ve managed amass through your efforts, over the years, both forms of currency are extremely important to you. We get it!

We (those here at Kandavo and those that we will introduce) will have had years of varied financial experiences from which to draw; strong educational relative backgrounds and the proven results in their respective fields; all to help place you in the best position to make informed decisions.

Please click on the button below and go to our store; and if we don’t have the depth of products and services that you require, then feel free to let us know what you are looking for and we will do our best to accommodate your needs and wants.

Riviera Freedom

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Riviera Freedom

Travel & Hospitality

Riviera Freedom; an irony permeates the air. Given the recent global events, travel and hospitality industries will forever be changed. Let’s hope for the better. We will endeavor to keep you apprised of any long-term changes that will go into effect when it comes to travel.

Riviera Freedom is part of The Pursuer’s Den, a subsidiary along with The Depo, and The District. The three pillars serve as the foundation of The Hollywood Riviera Exchange. For more information on each, click anywhere on this paragraph.

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They say “The best guest is one that when they leave, you never knew they were there”; sage advice; now just don’t ask me who THEY are. If I had to guess, I would say Ms. Serendipity; it’s definitely not that Murphy character, after all, he never ever seems to get anything right.

I remember once going for a job interview and there was a framed saying just behind and above the head of the old curmudgeon who interviewed me. “Everyone brings joy to this office, some when they enter and others when they leave”

These aforementioned threads, can and should be tailored to you and your travels. We hope that you agree.

You see, we believe that you get more out of life by giving, more so than by taking. Remember that when you travel, to always be situationally aware and treat people w/ dignity and respect. We promise that kind words do embolden a gentle heart, and that wherever in the world you are, after that special moment passes and off you go, it’s back to “there” where you will soon find your “Self”, what seems like only moments ago. That’s because you get to rediscover that, forever frozen w/in that special moment, a piece of your heart remained. So let these memories be the building blocks for the edifice that will house your legacy. Do not let your memories be incarcerated w/in your photographs. Enjoy your travels, and if we can be a part of your adventure in any way whatsoever, then we too will be enriched and our hearts will be emboldened. So click the button below if you need further guidance and assistance in making your plans of discovery.

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Riviera Hospitality

The definition of “Hospitality” has literally expanded into a world w/out borders and has morphed to include the global services sector in its entirety as it relates to the accessibility to all of one’s discretionary income and savings.

We doubt that you would agree or maintain such a shallow and stilted position. However, as in life itself, the Hospitality industry is a fluid process and “Change” is an integral component of its sense of “Manifest Destiny”.

Let us help you to better identify and keep up with these changes. Are you a recent retiree, a “college student going on spring break (or the parents of one)? maybe you’re a “Digital Nomad”; are you looking for an Expat community and as a nomad would you be welcome…? How about the fact that many “State of the Art” hospitals are now setting up shop in these destination resort areas; what does that mean to you? There are so many changes and they are occurring far too frequently; how to keep up should be one’s beckoning call.

We hear you, and we are listening! And we are here to clarify, simplify, and introduce… We know that it’s how you define “Hospitality” that really matters.

“Our goal is to help you travel to a place whereby you can warm the heart and simultaneously cool the soul.”

Riviera Living

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Riviera Living

Home Decor & Luxury Furnishings

Every home tells a story. There will be a beginning, middle, and end. Each part of a III act play differs.

Your home too will change and evolve.

As with a noun, (a person, place, or thing) you’ll strive for proper usage. Just like people for example. Everyone will bring a sense of joy to your home. Some when they enter and others when they leave. And like a verb, that which is in motion, is analogous to the environment you will have created.

Should you decide to go light, or heavy with the adjective; your home will resonate with a similar, accommodating tenor.

A far as the rest of your story is concerned, simply sit down, close your eyes, and dream a little.

Riviera Living is part of The Pursuer’s Den, a subsidiary along with The Depo, and The District. The three pillars serve as the foundation of The Hollywood Riviera Exchange. For more information on each, click anywhere on this paragraph.

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Home Decor

The “Artistic Touch”, a reverence for beauty and a pleasing design to be easy on the eyes. A child playing, friends laughing; memories made possible w/in a secure and safe environment; one that is created and finely crafted for all who enter. Just another place? No! It’s your place called home!

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Luxury Furnishings

What someone else considers luxurious, others might consider gaudy; there are those who are contemporary and choose to stay current w/ the modern themes of today.
Or, if you’re like me, you may appreciate what the “Art Deco” movement had to offer. This decorative affair started in Paris during the 1920s and it’s influence touched on just about everything and anything that had to do with the arts including the realms of architecture and fashion.
Now, for those of you who like to go “Antiquing” , we haven’t forgotten about you. From the Berkshires in Western Massachusetts to a remote village in Europe we will become and remain ever vigilant in our quest to find that unique special-something that you have to have! This department will take time to grow, but stay with us and share in our story as it serendipitously unfolds.

Riviera Male

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Riviera Male

Menswear & Accessories

Imbued with the gift of discernment, and always in keeping with good taste and propriety, “The Riviera Male” not only has a sense of style and etiquette for the moment at hand; but also, is quick to adapt as conditions change right in front of him. He is always situationally aware. Are you?

 Riviera Male is part of The Pursuer’s Den, a subsidiary along with The Depo, and The District. The three pillars serve as the foundation of The Hollywood Riviera Exchange. For more information on each, click anywhere on this paragraph.

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From formal to comfort clothing, and for today’s “Waterman” and all other adventure seekers abound. Our Menswear Area is designed to serve, complement and assist, a modern man in motion, who’s time is now!

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Mens Accessories

Tie clips to cuff-links; wallets to key chains; vintage pocket watches to shoelaces; it’s here, where the Riviera Male accentuates his stature.