

I wrote this poem when I was about ten, for my first love. The subject matter was simple. I spoke of life; I used a flower as a metaphor. Cadence was exposed within the rhythm; housing both within the edifice of a rhyme.

I wrote it out on a tea-stained soaked piece of paper in an “Old English” hand-scripted font. I also included a small twenty-nine-cent flower plant I bought from my local Newberry’s. Our kiss was my first. It was really more of a peck, but the moment cannot be framed by time. To do so would be unjust, a travesty of love. It’s funny though? I don’t remember ever seeing her again — Ahhh…, even a kiss can cut into the soul in so many ways—but you already know that, don’t you?

Life comes in winter and fall,

it shouldn’t mean just anything at all.

It also comes in summer and spring

and should mean just everything.

Life is in the future,

and will soon come your way.

So try to make the best of it,

before it flies away.

Life is like a flower,

glowing in the light.

Its swaying beauty brings to us,

a colorful delight.

Flowers live

and flowers die.

And like some people,

they too watch life go by.


Where’s My Poetic Lover Gone?

Where’s My Poetic Lover Gone?

A travesty within a travesty, wherein the truth can no longer find refuge within the construct of a paradox!

Are we to be governed by readers who cannot read, writers who cannot write, and publishers who only know how to pander to the ideologue? I say, “Narcissism matters.” Narcissism matters, it really does. The printed and spoken word, not so much.

When giving rise to reason is abhorrent, when we genuflect to the ignorant and cruel, and when we no longer know how to love, then it’s only the “Poet” who can save us. Leaving another travesty within a travesty, the last “Poetic Lover,” with no one left to hear, read, and feel the gravity of their words.



You’re black? Now you tell me! See how you are. I wish you would have told me this when we first met. So mundane, it’s comical, really. Like a key that turns a lock, you’ve now gone and done it!! This door, now wide open, can never be closed, or can it? If so, then forevermore is donning a cloak of nevermore.

“Excuse me. Would you be so kind as to get my friend and me two more of those shots w/ the funny name; Jagger’s, Jiggey’s — you know, the liquorice digestifs. Oh yes, and then put four more on our tab, close it, and hand the bill to my friend. He’ll be back soon!!!”


Just Because, Just Because

Just Because, Just Because

Just because time had made us weary, and our spirits could no longer speak

doesn’t mean that life is dreary, as once again we too shall seek

Just because we once were one, doesn’t mean we weren’t meant to unravel

even though we were formidable and strong, we were also very fragile

Just because we had naught to show, was really of no great matter 

for all that held meaning when we were one, was the sound of little feet going pitter-patter

Just because it was “Just Because”, doesn’t mean it was meant to be

and that’s just because we loved as one, and that’s all we were ever supposed to see





This is a very rough draft of something I wrote a long time ago. I was in a dark space at the time. I didn’t complete it.  I didn’t like how it was unfolding. So I never posted it until recently (A few years later, now in Sept. 2021)

The reason is, I wrote another poem called “Just Because”. I managed to turn darkness into light. All I had to do was find the switch.

I know I’ll have to come back and finish what I started. Then I can delete this as I should. Why must I haunt my “Self”. I didn’t even know that was possible.

Digest; In-jest

Just because I cry doesn’t mean I’m broken

Just because I’m broke doesn’t mean I have nothing to give

Just because I’m alone, doesn’t mean I’m devoid of love and being loving

Just because I’ve been shamed doesn’t mean I should feel ashamed

Just because I am old, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to live

Just because I yearn to laugh doesn’t mean I’m self-indulgent

Just because I fantasize about revenge doesn’t mean I’m vengeful

Just because there’s no respite doesn’t mean I will not find refuge

Just because I’m different doesn’t make me special

Just because I’m special doesn’t make me  unique

Just because I’m mired w/in my past doesn’t mean I cannot see my future

Just because I am so exhausted doesn’t mean that I am far too weak

Just because time has made me weary and my spirit can no longer speak doesn’t mean that life is dreary I will once again begin to seek

Just because I’m telling doesn’t mean there’s something to show

Just because I am “A Mystic” doesn’t mean  I have to glow

Just because I reason doesn’t mean I am critical

Just because I can reason doesn’t mean I am ‘Enlightened”

Just because I am optimistic doesn’t mean I am trusting

Just because I’m complex doesn’t mean I don’t wish to be understood

Just because I’m terrified doesn’t mean I will not act




Digest; In-rest

Just because you’re gone doesn’t mean you’ve left

Just because you’ve left doesn’t mean I will not give chase

Just because you still exist doesn’t mean you own my thoughts

Just because you have things to show doesn’t mean you must claim and go

Just because you were once so giving doesn’t mean you had a heart

Just because you love doesn’t mean you know of love

Just because you remember doesn’t mean I won’t forget

Just because you choose to forget doesn’t mean I wish to serve your memory

Just because you’re still becoming doesn’t mean you’ll always be recognized

Just because you’re “in-tune” doesn’t mean you must “atone”

Just because you are loyal doesn’t mean I should or could always be

Just because you are an illusion doesn’t mean I am delusional

Just because you chose him, her and them over me doesn’t mean I don’t exist




Digest; @-best

Just because we were once like them doesn’t mean we became them

Just because we were with them doesn’t mean we were one of them

Just because we wanted to be like them doesn’t mean we were followers

Just because they followed us doesn’t mean we chose to lead

Just because we were once one doesn’t mean we were never meant to unravel

Just because together we were formidable doesn’t mean we were not fragile

Just because it was “Just Because” doesn’t mean it was meant to be and that’s just because we loved as one and that’s all we ever needed to really see.


…just put a fork in it!

…just put a fork in it!

You stop, look down, you place a toehold underneath a blanket of nothingness; you become the fork. You see, feel, hear and touch with your imagination. As you genuflect, you give pause, realizing, that you’ve stopped “Becoming”.

As others pass, like you, they’ve chosen to comply, to become complicit! The specialists go left, the innovators move to their right. It’s where both paths meet, that you’ll find your now soiled cloak, you use it to provide full cover, as you don’t want to be seen; it’s of no matter, that you have been shamed by an injustice.

Invocation without “Benediction” is a must; as reasoning, without seasoning, leaves lust. Can one step ever be considered a new path? Can what’s cliche’, once again, become novel? What gives rise to wisdom? Don’t ask me, just put a fork in it!