A State of Mime

A State of Mime

One’s “State of Perception” is the ally of the “Enemy of the State”. The purity of truth is toxic for both the individual and the state. Complex algorithms provide sustenance for the Specialist who is the “Head of State”.

As this creature and his minions lie in wait, upon their feathered beds of hypocrisy, they prepare to strike; their goal is to eradicate all enemies of the state. First, they will rid their world of the wise; then the learned, and finally, the willing.

It’s not where or when the state ends, that allows for freedom to begin. Though it is where freedom ends, that you will find a sentry, who with his gun, and his disarming smile, welcomes you as an ally to his newly minted borderless “State of Perception”.

On Becoming

Pathos, Ethos, Logos

To be, by way of declaration                   

Declare, by means of action

To act, embraced by integrity                       

Integrity maintained by value

To value, through delineation of desire                 

Desire that which is meant to be




     Faith Refracted

Segregated beauty


Never to(o)

     Forever be





     Segregated beauty

Never to(o)



Faith refracted


Forever be




Segregated beauty

     Forever be





Never to(o)

     Faith refracted


Forever be



     Forever be







Currency, a by-product of love, serving as a manifestation of desire;

it is ruinous and rewarding for both our physical and metaphysical

states of being.

As we continue to debase our currency, our desires become mired

within time.

As time is lost within space, the truth will forever be concealed within


Then it’s irony that allows for the truth to be anything but truthful.