Let’s see…

Let’s see…

Thursday / November 18th / 2021...


I almost killed someone today, and for no good reason… I wonder, is there ever a good reason?

No, there really isn’t.

What about in self-defense? What if you are trying to thwart an enemy? What if, and what if, and how about what if?


How about if we need to sacrifice just one, maybe two, okay — say three others, whomever they might be, for the greater good?


Of course, it’s okay to kill under the guidelines set forth in Sun-Tzu, isn’t it?

You mean if it’s something you must have to survive, such as water,  in self-defense; or if victory is a foregone conclusion? No, it is not.

It’s okay to kill or die for a cause you truly believe in?


It must be okay to kill or die for a cause that others believe in, especially if they order you to do so!

No, you are incorrect.

What about those who are so very different from you and me. Their skin is of a different color. They’re uncultured. They are rude and ruthless. Their hearts are so far removed from ours.


And what about those religious zealots? Surely many, if not most, deserve to be killed, don’t they?


Okay then, what if someone is just pissed off? Who cares if they’re an ignoramus, psychopath, have D.I.D., posttraumatic stress syndrome; or they’re an ideologue, a narcissist, have a low I.Q. — If anyone from the aforementioned group came along and killed a close friend or family member, YOU NOT ONLY HAVE THE RIGHT — YOU HAVE THE OBLIGATION– THEREFORE, YOU MUST KILL THEM(?)(!)(.)

If you are asking, demanding, or making a statement of fact, the answer is and always should be, No!

What about psychology, philosophy, or even within the animal and plant kingdoms, or say the natural laws that are all around us? Creatures kill, creatures consume, and creatures often celebrate life through killing. So, is this okay?


With whom am I speaking? You’re certainly  not God!

You’re correct.

Then who are you?

I am the one you want to be.

You make me want to kill you. I don’t have time for this. Not right now anyway… Not when my mind is so preoccupied. I’m broke. They have diagnosed me with cancer. Someone has falsely accused me of not only a crime I didn’t commit; but for a crime that never happened. This is beyond belief…

As I sit in my car at 5:00 am, I’m so cold, my windshield keeps fogging up. I am hungry. I really could use that bagel and coffee right now.

Okay traffic signal, I need to make my left; now stay green, stay green—man I need better glasses—next week; I need to remember to pick some up…

What’s that? A dog? It’s running across my path, or rather its path in the crosswalk. What’s that? An extended cable leash?

Can’t they see I’m trying to turn left? They…? Oh S**T, get out of my way!

Don’t they know I’m impaired? I cannot see.  Why is that?

Is it because– I choose… not to see?

When I look in the mirror, I believe I’m looking at myself! I have a high level of self-awareness. Does the image see me?

Could I be a fool? Could I be the image in the mirror — looking and believing I’m looking at my image, in a mirror?

If so, am I not justified and even required to shatter the mirror? I think I’ll just bury my face in the broken pieces of glass; or just pick up a shard, and slit my throat? Let’s see…, maybe not. Why fester, is it not better to savor one’s “Sweet Digressions”?



Cancer clear 1st year review coming next week(?). I’m not handling it well….



Alexandre Dum(b)as(s)

Alexandre Dum(b)as(s)

Only in jest, can we rest!

Is this just my way of describing another date with Ms. Serendipity? As if knitting a sweater, am I creating something using threads of coincidence, weaving together unrelated characters, places, and events? Am I taking advantage of my not-so-literary license as a creative writer? I like Ms. Serendipity, but whenever we get together, that Murphy character always shows up and lambastes me about my exploits. Right in front of her, to boot! What’s up with that?

It’s when I’m half asleep that unusual things occur! Just the other night, shortly after I went to bed, I was restless. My conscience was channel surfing with my subconscious. I was extrapolating old memories, trying to bring them to a new reality, a realm, somewhere, sometime, in someone else’s future. Akin to Poe’s poem, I too was a captive within “A Dream Within a Dream.” As matter moves along, riding the waves of nothingness, then nothing matters. However, once we can observe nothingness, then nothingness becomes everything that matters. If I couldn’t come to terms with a pop-up image, then I would discard the old faded Polaroid memory, go back to my thought hamper, and once again, rummage through my past.

I knew not to fight the process. The more restless I became, the more I tossed and turned, the greater the impact of my soon-to-be-discovered epiphany would have upon my being. Only then could storing it within the edifice of my psyche even be possible. The worst thing I could, and often used to do, was just to roll with it. Even while in my slumberous stupor, I would lie to my “Self” just to appease my yearning to go back to sleep. “Oh, I’ll remember to write about this in the morning. I won’t lose the feeling I have. And I can hold on to the clarity of my thoughts, purpose, and panoramic vision… At least until I sit down to think and write out my vision(s) through reasoning. I can hold on to these feelings for at least a week…” Whenever I failed to get up and write down my feelings and capture these passing moments, the next day, I would find my “Self” abandoned. All that remained was nothingness, absent all the matter. Within that moment, I became the void!

Over the years, I‘ve learned to be proactive. I get out of bed, grab a pencil and a pad of paper or go to the computer and jot down my thoughts and feelings. When I come back to the piece the following day, or even later, I may still ask myself, “What was I thinking?” or I may say, “Okay, there’s something here.” Either way, I endeavor to decipher the message I had just received from the cosmos. After that, I can then figure out what to do with it.

Recently restless, I got up in the middle of the night to capture another elusive moment. It was a strange experience, imbued with several feelings but absent any signs of an impending epiphany. As I once was a predator, now, I am prey!

While sitting at my computer, fussing about, waiting for “Gadot”, I noticed I had a book right in front of me. I use it to elevate my keyboard. I’ve never even opened it up and flipped through it before. Though, as with many of you, I was familiar with the title. It was a copy of “The Count of Monte Cristo”, by Alexandre Dumas.

A brief digression… The last meandering thought and the reason I was tossing and turning was that I repeatedly asked myself, “If I had to guess who I might have been in a previous life, who would I’ve been?” Not who would I want it to be? If I had that option, I’d probably choose Buddha, Jesus Christ, or someone like that. I certainly wouldn’t choose Genghis Khan, Rasputin, Jack the Ripper, or you.

Anyway, at least a dreamscape of sorts was forthcoming. I don’t control the process at this stage. Time to get my lazy self out of bed before the feeling dissipates.

Where was I? Oh yes, as I sat, bewildered, I continued to entertain the question. It was a tough one; I had trouble staying focused within my quest. Once again, I meandered into my trove of old memories. I looked at some characteristics, traits, and things that I liked and didn’t like about myself and others. I took a deep dive; when I came out of my trance, I was still staring at that book.

I thought I would allow myself to get distracted, but for just a minute or two; what can it hurt? I opened the work with a short preface. It was about Mr. Dumas and told about how his art, with his melodramatic literary style, was congruent with how he lived his life. Hmmm, I can relate. Then I discovered how he was well-to-do, up and down financially but always remained overly optimistic. Mr. Dumas ‘… died penniless, but hopeful. Saying of death, “I shall tell her a story and she will be kind to me.”

As I write, everything that I write about unfolds with a constant sub-theme. As our tagline in our magazine “Kandavo” clearly states, “It’s about finding truth within fiction.” And lately, I have had a strong interest in learning all about and writing what I can with Historical Fiction. Mr. Dumas once asked “What is history? It is the nail in which I hang my novels”, he replied. Again I can relate.

And though I’m embarrassed to say with making money, I’ve made more money for more people than anyone I know. Yet on a personal level, money was not my god! And, like Mr. Dumas once boasted, “I have never refused money to anybody; except my creditors”, I too can relate all too well to the aforementioned passage. And if I am not careful, I too could die both broke and indigent.

Even my father would preface many a conversation with a joke, like the one— “When those close to you pass, your friends, neighbors and relatives… and they stand in front of St. Peter, just outside the pearly gates. He’s going to ask them one question. And if they get the answer correct, they go right into heaven. Spell the word, Love. Your relatives respond in kind, ‘l-o-v-e’ Correct! You’re in. Next, it’s your friends and neighbors; and you find everyone gets in. Now it’s your turn! This should be easy, you’re thinking… ‘Ok, says St. Peter, I just need you to spell one simple paltry word…’ Ok, let’s have it,” I said. ‘Spell Chrysanthemum…’ Ok, that wasn’t what I was expecting, so I’ve decided, metaphorically speaking, while I’m alive, I need to work on my spelling.

Okay, there may be some similarities, but to even think I may have been Alexandre in a previous life is ridiculous. Just because I once was an extra in an old Michael Keaton movie, and my name was Dumas.

Just because, like Alexandre Dumas, I too epitomize the would-be character in that old colloquial phrase “A fool and his money will soon part ways”.

Just because I told my son about a week ago, I have a calling to learn French. That doesn’t mean I was once a Frenchman named Dumas.

If it were true, it would certainly be both a blessing and a curse. A blessing, that he was a successful writer who led a very exciting life. A curse because I’m British; for an Englishman to go to bed one evening and when he awakens, he’s a Frenchman! Well, let’s just say that would go over like a loud fart in church.

Just because one of my favorite travelers of old, was Giuseppe Garibaldi, an Italian general who sported a flaming red beard and like Alexandre, he had many an adventure (some, or should I say, most were questionable) and many tales to tell (again questionable, with many outlandish embellishments)

Please excuse my digression: Did you know the state fish of California is called the Garibaldi? It’s flaming orange, and thank goodness they recently took it off the endangered species list. By the way, I’m just saying, it’s been my favorite fish for the last fifty years; why is that?

Maybe the only similarity to Dumas, Garibaldi, and others is that I too have an overactive imagination. I could boast of many an adventure with old friends. The problem is that most are still alive. And as a judge once said to me, “Mr. Tanner, maybe you should go to work for the Mafia! At least they know their secrets are safe.” It’s akin to that phrase about ‘What happens in Vegas…

I’ve just gone through life as a Dumb-ass and not a Dumas. Maybe there’s no such thing as reincarnation, maybe, maybe, maybe… who knows? Well, on that note, all I know is that it’s time to go on another adventure.

Fiji anyone?

“No Time to Die!”

“No Time to Die!”

“No Time to Live, no time to Die; Just Sitting in Limbo, Wondering Why !”

As I was undergoing one of my weekly in-house stints of chemo. Physically, I was okay. Though mentally, I was in a pretty dark space. It wasn’t like the other areas of my life were all that great either.

As I remained on a precipice, looking down into my “rabbit hole,” my phone rang. It was an old friend; he was and still is one of about five best friends. I reserve the number one slot for whomever I’m drinking with that night.

Maybe I have nothing to complain about. As I was once told and came to believe, when you’re about to die, if you have five very close friends, then you’re one of the wealthiest people in the world. Adoption of this belief was one of the better choices that I’ve ever made in my life.

When Russ called, I was trying to get my arms wrapped around the strong possibility of my dying in the next six to twelve months. A short reiteration of our conversation went down like this…

“Tanner, I need you to write that book we’ve been talking about for the last five years,”

“Russell, here I am on my deathbed, with six months to live. And you’re telling me to write a book and save the world,” I blurted.

“Then write quickly. No excuses! You’ll die soon enough. Write the book! And! I like your idea of making it an allegory.”

My friends, they’re the toughest people I know. They always kick my ass, and they always goad me into a fight. He then made himself even clearer.

“Tanner,—No time to die!”


“I want you to focus on those three things we always end up talking about. You still need to touch upon all of those other points. Weave them into your tale,”

“Three things,” I asked.

“I hate it when you play dumb! Start with how The Rule of Law has Become Unruly, then move to Etatism and write about the rise of the New Multinational where you talk about big tech,” he said.

Just to get him to leave me alone, I agreed to write the book. Believing that wouldn’t have to; as I would soon be dead.

Here we are, almost a year later, and as of now, I’m cancer-free. So what am I up to? I’m writing that book! As of today, I’m staying with the title, What’s Next”.

And in case you were wondering and were about to ask,

“How do I feel about all of this?”

Short answer, “It’s a good time to be alive!”

It’s now been roughly six months since I started writing the novel. Listen to this…

I just recently pulled into a coffee shop. It’s next to a small local movie theater. I shifted my car into park, gave a moment’s pause, and said to myself, “God, do I really need to write that dang book? I don’t know how to pray, or how to even ask for help. If yes, just give me a sign, any sign will do! I don’t care if I see Jesus in a grilled cheese sandwich. I promised Russell that I would write the book, and now I’m stuck with that promise!”

So I then get out of my car, and as soon as I locked it,—I was startled. Do you know how you get that creepy feeling, as if somebody’s coming up behind you? And you turn quickly,—to see who’s there? But no one was there. I then looked up at the marquee, then saw what movie was playing. Of course, it just had to be— No Time to Die! The most recent and probably the last Bond movie to be made.

I then replied to God, “Thank you. I’m glad to see you have a sense of humor. Even though you’re kind of freaking me out” Still somewhat panicked, I then scurried inside to get my coffee; as if trying to hide from God—Really?



This is a very rough draft of something I wrote a long time ago. I was in a dark space at the time. I didn’t complete it.  I didn’t like how it was unfolding. So I never posted it until recently (A few years later, now in Sept. 2021)

The reason is, I wrote another poem called “Just Because”. I managed to turn darkness into light. All I had to do was find the switch.

I know I’ll have to come back and finish what I started. Then I can delete this as I should. Why must I haunt my “Self”. I didn’t even know that was possible.

Digest; In-jest

Just because I cry doesn’t mean I’m broken

Just because I’m broke doesn’t mean I have nothing to give

Just because I’m alone, doesn’t mean I’m devoid of love and being loving

Just because I’ve been shamed doesn’t mean I should feel ashamed

Just because I am old, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to live

Just because I yearn to laugh doesn’t mean I’m self-indulgent

Just because I fantasize about revenge doesn’t mean I’m vengeful

Just because there’s no respite doesn’t mean I will not find refuge

Just because I’m different doesn’t make me special

Just because I’m special doesn’t make me  unique

Just because I’m mired w/in my past doesn’t mean I cannot see my future

Just because I am so exhausted doesn’t mean that I am far too weak

Just because time has made me weary and my spirit can no longer speak doesn’t mean that life is dreary I will once again begin to seek

Just because I’m telling doesn’t mean there’s something to show

Just because I am “A Mystic” doesn’t mean  I have to glow

Just because I reason doesn’t mean I am critical

Just because I can reason doesn’t mean I am ‘Enlightened”

Just because I am optimistic doesn’t mean I am trusting

Just because I’m complex doesn’t mean I don’t wish to be understood

Just because I’m terrified doesn’t mean I will not act




Digest; In-rest

Just because you’re gone doesn’t mean you’ve left

Just because you’ve left doesn’t mean I will not give chase

Just because you still exist doesn’t mean you own my thoughts

Just because you have things to show doesn’t mean you must claim and go

Just because you were once so giving doesn’t mean you had a heart

Just because you love doesn’t mean you know of love

Just because you remember doesn’t mean I won’t forget

Just because you choose to forget doesn’t mean I wish to serve your memory

Just because you’re still becoming doesn’t mean you’ll always be recognized

Just because you’re “in-tune” doesn’t mean you must “atone”

Just because you are loyal doesn’t mean I should or could always be

Just because you are an illusion doesn’t mean I am delusional

Just because you chose him, her and them over me doesn’t mean I don’t exist




Digest; @-best

Just because we were once like them doesn’t mean we became them

Just because we were with them doesn’t mean we were one of them

Just because we wanted to be like them doesn’t mean we were followers

Just because they followed us doesn’t mean we chose to lead

Just because we were once one doesn’t mean we were never meant to unravel

Just because together we were formidable doesn’t mean we were not fragile

Just because it was “Just Because” doesn’t mean it was meant to be and that’s just because we loved as one and that’s all we ever needed to really see.


…just put a fork in it!

…just put a fork in it!

You stop, look down, you place a toehold underneath a blanket of nothingness; you become the fork. You see, feel, hear and touch with your imagination. As you genuflect, you give pause, realizing, that you’ve stopped “Becoming”.

As others pass, like you, they’ve chosen to comply, to become complicit! The specialists go left, the innovators move to their right. It’s where both paths meet, that you’ll find your now soiled cloak, you use it to provide full cover, as you don’t want to be seen; it’s of no matter, that you have been shamed by an injustice.

Invocation without “Benediction” is a must; as reasoning, without seasoning, leaves lust. Can one step ever be considered a new path? Can what’s cliche’, once again, become novel? What gives rise to wisdom? Don’t ask me, just put a fork in it!

A State of Mime

A State of Mime

One’s “State of Perception” is the ally of the “Enemy of the State”. The purity of truth is toxic for both the individual and the state. Complex algorithms provide sustenance for the Specialist who is the “Head of State”.

As this creature and his minions lie in wait, upon their feathered beds of hypocrisy, they prepare to strike; their goal is to eradicate all enemies of the state. First, they will rid their world of the wise; then the learned, and finally, the willing.

It’s not where or when the state ends, that allows for freedom to begin. Though it is where freedom ends, that you will find a sentry, who with his gun, and his disarming smile, welcomes you as an ally to his newly minted borderless “State of Perception”.