The Mosaic

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woman in black shirt and black pants walking on red and white concrete floor

The Mosaic

In our blog “The Mosaic”, we touch upon everything from poetry to prose; economics to business; psychology to existentialism; health, wealth, well-being, and more.

Metaphorically speaking, take a step back, squint your eyes, and see how the impressions made, seamlessly come together; providing clarity and purpose. Take notice of how one piece is beholding to the many, and how the many are beholding to one. However, there’s still one critical piece missing! — That piece is you!

If you believe in reason, enlightenment, critical thinking, the power of language and knowledge. And what’s equally important is that you also believe in “The Virtue” of wisdom. Then you must join us in our quest.

As all the pieces come together, we’ll see an image come to the surface. You are the recipient of this image. Think of it as a gift; the gift of insight. A gift that can, and should, be regifted to others. We call this gift “The Mosaic”

Riviera Well Being

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Riviera Well-Being

Health & Wealth

What’s interesting, is when it comes to talking about health, wealth, and one’s well-being, we could in fact, and probably should be, speaking about three things that are really one and the same. Whatever separation that exists between these areas occurs by way of vernacular and is a matter of degrees. What about the physical content and context? Well, again it’s you who sets the scale and determines what meets your definition of what are your “Standards of Excellence. Our job is to accommodate your desires, wants, goals, and endeavors whatever they may be so you can best adhere to them. We wish you the very best of health, wealth, and well-being, just as we wish all of you (and yes we mean this) a life full of peace love, and joy!

Riviera Well-Being is part of The Pursuer’s Den, a subsidiary along with The Depo, and The District. The three pillars serve as the foundation of The Hollywood Riviera Exchange. For more information on each, click anywhere on this paragraph.

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There are many areas that require our attention when dealing with our health. Whether we’re looking at or are engaged within the physical, mental, or ethereal aspects of healthy living, there are no absolutes. Meaning, there’s a level of interplay between all there areas.

Also, we look to the experts who recognize and believe this to be true. We will continue to follow what they have to say, and like you, we can learn and act together.

When it comes to developing a healthy lifestyle, our current position based on what we’ve been taught over the years, has changed dramatically. 

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From one “Sand Dollar” that your daughter hands to you while walking on the beach to the millions of dollars that you’ve managed amass through your efforts, over the years, both forms of currency are extremely important to you. We get it!

We (those here at Kandavo and those that we will introduce) will have had years of varied financial experiences from which to draw; strong educational relative backgrounds and the proven results in their respective fields; all to help place you in the best position to make informed decisions.

Please click on the button below and go to our store; and if we don’t have the depth of products and services that you require, then feel free to let us know what you are looking for and we will do our best to accommodate your needs and wants.