
grayscale photo of car with flowers

You’re black? Now you tell me! See how you are. I wish you would have told me this when we first met. So mundane, it’s comical, really. Like a key that turns a lock, you’ve now gone and done it!! This door, now wide open, can never be closed, or can it? If so, then forevermore is donning a cloak of nevermore.

“Excuse me. Would you be so kind as to get my friend and me two more of those shots w/ the funny name; Jagger’s, Jiggey’s — you know, the liquorice digestifs. Oh yes, and then put four more on our tab, close it, and hand the bill to my friend. He’ll be back soon!!!”



Currency, a by-product of love, serving as a manifestation of desire;

it is ruinous and rewarding for both our physical and metaphysical

states of being.

As we continue to debase our currency, our desires become mired

within time.

As time is lost within space, the truth will forever be concealed within


Then it’s irony that allows for the truth to be anything but truthful.