Serengeti Cascade Sunglasses

Serengeti Cascade Sunglasses
Serengeti Cascade Sunglasses 1 q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B000R36D74&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=00110f 20&language=en USSerengeti Cascade Sunglasses 2 ir?t=00110f 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B000R36D74


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The World's Best Sunglasses

One can trace the lineage of the eyewear lens back to 1877; click on the link below (and remember to come back) to find out more about the history leading up to today, of how Serengeti provides their customers w/ what many experts believe are the very best driving lens in the world. It all started here in the United States:

Serengeti’s parent company is Bolle ( ) another fine eyewear company. A common denominator between Serengeti and Bolle is unlike their competitors they do not utilize Luxottica as their primary (Lens…) supplier.

Now, Luxottica is a fine company, but they are the suppliers of eyewear to just about every other major player w/in the industry; and it could be argued that from a manufacturing perspective, the threat of homogenization is real—  all that would really differentiate one Retailer from another would be simple cosmetic variants and the branding efforts associated w/their products and their company; this gives rise to the question: “why pay more for less”; check out the Luxottica site and see for yourself, (and then return)

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