Literati Take-away Series, #9
The Picture of Dorian Gray
If you are into “The Literary Arts”, then you must read everything by this Artist”
For Art’s sakes man! Held in an Aesthetic light, one can see that when creating art through the process of discovery, then it’s not a stretch to say, that it’s always been about “Art, for the sake of art”.
Aestheticism, a movement recognized and brought forward, framed, studied and debated, first by Kant, Goethe, Pater then others, as part of a philosophical foundation, was not so much a creature, device or technique first talked about in the eighteenth century… How could it be; especially, if art emanates as a result of one’s endeavors associated w/the creative process, and also, maybe even from the discoveries uncovered from one’s own musings?
If “Art” comes about because it’s the result of a natural phenomenon; then we should also be talking about behavior, which is more akin to understanding Taoism, Existentialism, and in rare, but clear contexts, psychology too. All of which continue to make contributions to the discovery process, and hopefully will lead to a greater appreciation of living in an “Artistic Way— in concert, w/ what happiness and wellbeing” means as viewed through the “Looking Glass” of Acethetisim”. This work is a “Masterpiece”!

About the Author
From what little I really know, it appears that Oscar Wilde lived and died by the employment and mishandling of his own artistic devices; such as his brilliant and beautiful use of epigrams and the paradox. Unadulterated sarcasm was beneath him, but weaponizing his literary gifts, unfortunately, brought him his (un)fair share of hardships. Where one might believe that art imitates life; it is also true that life imitates art, and to a fault in Wilde’s case.
From what I’ve been able to ascertain, it’s that starting when he was as a young man, Oscar Wilde was always destined to be a tragic literary hero in the making.
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