Literati Take-away Series, # 8

The Road to Serfdom
Beware of tyranny! Protect your “inalienable rights” at all costs. Under the guise of “Etatism”*, we’re losing our freedoms. Our rights as individuals are no longer being protected. The seeds of dissent have been sown. The Stewarts of society, are behaving not unlike the “Tyrannical-misanthropes” of not so long ago. The longer we remain complacent, the more we become complicit, as we fail to recognize and support the rights and freedoms of the individual; the closer we are to our meeting our demise!
F.A. Hayek warns us to remain ever vigilant! Wherever there is a foothold for central planners, therein the fermentation process for anarchy begins. Always leading to violence, intimidation, and socio-economic cannibalism.
Look beyond national regimes. Beware of the multinationals, especially the large tech and media companies. Remember they too are powerful and corrupt. Even more so than most of the nations of the so-called free world.
Unless you believe that: Hayek, Mises Tocqueville, Orwell, our founder fathers, Bacon, Locke, Hobbs, Eisenhower, Churchill, Plato, Lewis and so many more were wrong, then start here and now by reading this masterpiece! We have been warned!

About the Author
Though Hayek espoused a Libertarian bent, it was in direct opposition to many others, who also claimed to hold a staunch view of Libertiarinsm. Hayek stood against communism, socialism, (and probably etatism as well) and the common denominator of “Central planning”. He felt these socio-economic systems were a greater threat to one’s civil liberties than say free-market capitalism. The problem today is that all of the “Isms” are vulnerable to the maladjusted schemes of the idealistic central planner. Hayek stood for the rights and protective covenants of the individual, over that of the greater good!
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