Literati Takeaway Series #1

The Theory of Money and Credit
There are very few books that are the embodiment of what: economics, sociology, psychology, mathematics, (engineering) and philosophy, offer when studied in concert with one another. This is one of those works.
Indulge me if you dare! I’m going to loosely paraphrase ” Old Man Ludwig”, following up with a little sprinkling of “Irish” banter.
Beware of Etatism! It’s the most perverse form of socialism. It’s where we’re under the illusion of having all these freedoms. But in reality, we don’t! In today’s world, we rarely do anything without governmental involvement and approval. We’re left fat, frumpy and grumpy with our, widgets, gadgets, and gizmos. For all of us, our days of freedom have all but disappeared! We must “Act”!
Etatism currently presents an ever-growing threat to the few remaining, “Free”, societies that might still exist today. It could best be described as a hybrid; a socially irresponsible and most perverse “Ism”, that’s comprised of the worst tenets that both capitalism and especially socialism have to offer.
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About the Author
Ludwig Von Mises was a “Brainiac”! Well educated and could speak and understand what was being said in six languages, maybe more.
What’s also attractive, is that he was: one part, sociologist, philosopher, historian; two parts libertarian and capitalist; and three parts economist. Some might add a dash of “Fascism” (others may not) depending on how spicy one like’s their “Mises” soup.
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